Summer Facts: White Wine Enthusiasts Will Appreciate


Nobody looks forward to the coming of summer more than those who like a glass of white wine. We thought it would be interesting to compile ten summer facts that only white wine enthusiasts can enjoy.

If you aren’t already a fan, you could be after reading them. You might not be able to spell Chardonnay or Pinot Grigio. But you can raise your glass with some of either wine in it and salute the youngsters.

They are those who participate in this yearly event – and you might be able to spell both correctly. So, before you look for a custom engraved liquor bottle, let’s begin!

Over 650 Million Long-Distance Summer Trips Have Made

Every summer, more than half a billion long-distance travels have made. You may take one of those. But it may seem like 650 Million hours if you do it with the family.

So, you know you’ll need some chilled white wine in your cooler, ready to open when you (finally) arrive at your destination after a long, hot vehicle journey. However, preserve some for the remainder of your trip since it may be the only thing that keeps you alive. In this case, you can also look for “custom engraved wine bottles”.

Watermelon Is Not a Fruit; It’s a Vegetable

Most Americans, who consume an average of 16 pounds of it each year, are likely to be surprised by this. However, if a watermelon is your vegetable of choice, you may pair it with a wonderful, fruity summer white wine. So, you’ve now covered two food categories, not just one!

The Eiffel Tower Gets Bigger Up To About 6-Inch Every Summer

Paris is famous for its lofty, iron beauty. And it’s also for its love of wine. As the city of light – and wine – sees its treasure grow in height each year. The iron swells when it absorbs heat from the sun and then shrinks down in the winter.

You may feel free to greet the famed city and its iconic monument with a higher pour of a wonderful French white wine. So, this is because, without him, you may be wearing wool instead.

National Blueberry Month in July

I can almost read your thinking. What on earth do blueberries have to do with white wine? It’s because this turns out a lot. Blueberries pair well with many white wines and you’ll commonly find the fruit paired.

This is with a white wine throughout the summer months to produce a delightful taste profile. So, check out this blueberry white wine spritzer recipe or this blueberry white wine sangria recipe.

You could spend the entire month of July savoring the blueberry. And its preferred beverage: a fine bottle of white wine.

National Ice Cream Month

Is it possible to combine white wine and ice cream? Yes and no. Chardonnay goes well with butter pecan. A Moscato goes well with blood-orange sorbet. A Riesling goes well with peach ice cream. Still don’t trust us? Could you test it out for yourself?

So, the balance is superb and one-of-a-kind. Don’t be alarmed if you don’t think white wine and ice cream go together. Be courageous. Your tongue will be grateful.

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